About US
Participatory Village Development Programme (PVDP) started its development journey from District Tharparkar in 1997. Mr. Dominic Stephen, founder of PVDP, realized the gravity of the situation and the complex socio-psycho and economic problems of Thari communities and established PVDP in 1997. PVDP was registered on 15th June 1998 under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in Hyderabad. The organization was formed with a mission to support the poor and disadvantaged communities in improving the qualities of their lives, through encouraging people to organize and mobilize themselves for holistic social change.
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With the generous financial support of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH), PVDP Sindh successfully organized one month professional training course on Livestock Management for 15 Community Livestock Extension Workers (CLEWs) from Tehsil Dilpo, Tharparkar, affiliated with the Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam. Upon completing the training, each participant received a comprehensive CLEW kit.
The primary objective of this training program was to enhance the knowledge and skills of CLEWs in various aspects of livestock management, including animal handling and welfare, vaccination and disease prevention,treatment of common ailments and feed formulation and feeding techniques & fodder management
Further these 15 trained CLEWs will now provide essential veterinary services to farmers in 15 targeted villages, promoting improved livestock health and productivity.
#livestockdevelopmentdivision #livestockdevelopmentdepartment #livestockdevelopmentcentre #livestockdevelopmentprogram #livestockdevelopmentcorporation
#Pakistan #Sindh #SindhGovernment #sindhagricultureuniversitytandojam #livestock #socialwelfare #socialmedia #Tharparkar #livestockdevelopment
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Good work
Good work
Good work
🌿 کول دا ارتھ – زمین آپ سے مدد مانگ رہی ہے! 🌍🔥
جنگلات کا خاتمہ، گلوبل وارمنگ، آلودہ ہوا… کیا ہم ہاتھ پر ہاتھ رکھ کر تماشا دیکھیں گے؟
یا ہم اپنے بچوں کو صاف، سرسبز اور صحت مند زمین دے کر جائیں گے؟ 🌳💚
💡 ایک درخت، ایک زندگی!
🔥 یہی درخت گرمی کی شدت کم کرے گا، ماحول کو محفوظ بنائے گا!
🤝 یہی درخت تھر کے کسی غریب خاندان کو روزگار دے گا!
🌎 آپ ایک درخت اسپانسر کریں، تھر کے لوگ اسے زندگی دیں!
🛑 ایکشن کا وقت یہی ہے!
💚 آگے بڑھیں اور زمین کو بچانے والوں میں شامل ہوں!
+92 345 1037373
#planttrees #GreenerFuture #ClimateChange #GreenerFuture #CoolTheEarth greenPakistan #GiftTrees #gogreen #ClimateChange #GreenPakistan #CoolTheEarth #ActNow
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🌍 کول دا ارتھ – گلوبل وارمنگ کو شکست دیں!
تھرپارکر میں کول دا ارتھ پروگرام کاوش ہے زمین کو گلوبل وارمنگ سے بچانے کی! 🌱
💡 شہری اسپانسر کرتے ہیں
💧 دیہاتی درخت لگاتے اور پالنے کا ذمہ لیتے ہیں
🌿 قدرتی ماحول کی بحالی کا خواب حقیقت بنتا ہے!
آئیے، اپنے حصے کا درخت لگائیں! 🌳✨
+92 345 1037373
#GreenPartnership #ClimateChange #planttrees #CoolTheEarth
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Project Title: Strengthening the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable
agricultural communities in rural Sindh, Pakistan Phase II, supported by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) and implemented by PVDP Sindh, includes a one-month Community Livestock Extension Workers (CLEWs) training at Live stock training Department, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam. The follow-up visit of training in order to insure quality events was paid in (SAU) Tandojam.
#Pakistan #Sindh #livestock #socialmedia #socialwelfare #tharparkarsindh #viral #youthempowerment
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Good work✔
The flower festival at the Mirpurkhas
67th Flowers show/Festival inugrated by Mir Anwar Ali Talpur, Commissioner of Mirpurkhas, Deputy Commissioner of Mirpurkhas, Mayor of Mirpurkhas and other government officials, and civil society members visited Our CTEP stall and appreciated our mission of Cool the Earth Programme.
Support nature, support communities! Sponsor a tree & be a part of the change! 🌏💚
+92 345 1037373
#TreeForFuture #EcoAlliance #ClimateAction #CoolTheEarth #sustainability #ClimateAction #GreenerFuture #CoolTheEarth #makepakgreen #greenPakistan #Gifttrees #Gogreen #climatechange
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